The Archdiocese of New York Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP) is committed to helping schools throughout the country create a safe, supportive environment where children can learn and grow into healthy adults.
Through dedicated programs, education and campaigns, our goal is to build resilient, confident youth ready and able to overcome challenges and create a successful future.
Social & Emotional Learning
This website is a host to engaging videos, evidence-based curricula, parent engagement programs, professional development resources and the communications tools that educators and youth-centered organizations need to promote positive social action and improve community culture.
Substance Use Prevention in the Early High School Years
Help students build resiliency and make positive decisions to assure a healthy future — especially when it comes to drugs, alcohol, marijuana, heroin and OTC and prescription drugs. RRR, Refuse. Remove Reasons is a compelling, evidence-based video and print resource curriculum designed to decrease use of substances and increase the perception of harm and negative consequences of substance use. RRR is an approved curriculum and is listed on the NYS OASAS Registry of Evidence based Programs.
The Risks: Marijuana & Alcohol
The Risk Is Real campaign is dedicated to reducing underage drinking. Whether you’re a teen, a parent, a teacher or business owner, you can take a stand against underage drinking and support the health and safety of kids in our community